
Is Your Poop Normal?

What Your Poop is Telling You

If you’re not pooping right… something could be terribly wrong inside your body.

Your brain and the good bacteria in your gut communicate directly, influencing your mood, your immune system, and your inflammation.

Next, there’s good short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) in your colon, which have anti-inflammatory effects and increase insulin sensitivity.

Most of us spend the time and energy to consume healthy, non-GMO, organic food.  But are we digesting it well?  Are we breaking down and absorbing those nutrients well?  The quality of your poop is a direct indication of how well you’re digesting your food.

If you’re poop isn’t healthy, your digestive tract is either moving too slow or too fast… which can lead to an increased risk of developing chronic health conditions like neurological disease, autoimmune disease and chronic inflammatory conditions.

Think of your poop like the annoying chirping sound your smoke detector makes when the battery is low.  It’s relentlessly letting you know the battery is low… and if you don’t do something about it, your house could burn down (with you and your family in it).

However if you’re pooping well,it could be an indication your body is relatively healthy and a good sign you’re winning when it comes to health.

Self check poop today! don't suffer silent when u have pooping problem or constipation. 
" Death begin with Colon" 

Where Does Your Poop Stack Up?
There’s four critical elements to a perfect poop. If you’ve ever had one… you know how amazing they are. But if you’re not sure, take this quiz and see where you stack up.

1. How often do you poop?
The research suggests you should poop every day.  In fact, the range of “normal” is typically 1-3 times a day.  Poop is waste and you need to get rid of it every single day to make sure that you’re properly removing toxins and other waste material that’s gotta go.  Many people have a bowel movements every time they eat.

If you find yourself pooping a couple times a week… or going 5+ times a day, you’re at risk of health problems.

2. Are You Pushing Too Hard?
How easy is it for you to poop?  It’s normal in our culture to take a newspaper or read a magazine for a half hour, battling to win the poop fight. But the reality is that a “normal” poop shouldn’t take but a few minutes.  It should also be easy. This isn’t childbirth. Pushing typically leads to hemorrhoids which are all too common today but not normal.

Normal poops strike a balance between not having to push or strain, but also not having so much urgency you barely can hold it. If you’re spending 10+ minutes on the toilet or running to make it just in time, you’re not having normal bowel movements.

3. Does Your Poop Look Like a Snake?
The most important part of a “normal” poop is the quality, so part of this quiz requires you to look down and see what’s really going on. 

Start sizing up your recent BM’s with the knowledge that anything between a 1-3 is considered constipated, while 6’s and 7’s are considered diarrhea.

A “normal” poop is “like a sausage or a snake, smooth and soft.  If your poops aren’t looking 4ish… you’re not normal.

4: Are you getting it all out?
For some people this is a non-issue… but part of a “normal” poop is having what’s so eloquently referred to as a “full evacuation.” Are you getting all your poop out in one swift motion?  Do you have to keep coming back to finish the job? Or do you feel like there’s always something left behind lingering and making you feel uncomfortable?

📌A “normal” poop is a complete poop. If you never quite feel the relief I’m talking about here… you’re not having ideal bowel movements.

How to Improve Your Poop
If your poop isn’t normal based on the quiz above, we know your digestive health isn’t what it should be. So here’s a few tips to improve your digestive health and get closer to perfect poops.

Eat Real Food
The biggest mistake we see is people that claim to eat healthy, but they’re still consuming things like grains, soy, and table sugar.  Stick to eating real food.  It’s one of the most important changes anyone with digestive problems can make.

Probiotic is one supplement that can also boost the immune system in the gut and improve digestive health. 

If you took this quiz and aren’t having “normal” poops right now, try these three changes for 30-days and see how you feel. The best part about poop is that you’ll keep doing it, so you have regular signs of whether or not things are improving.

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