
What makes Belly Fat & How to Lose Belly Fat

Excess belly fat is a common problem for both men and women. Unfortunately, it isn’t a problem that gets easier to manage as we get older. Indeed, after the age of 30 we start to lose muscle and, because we move less, gain fat. Thus, it becomes increasingly harder to lose belly fat.

While constant overeating, i.e. consuming more calories that you burn, will lead to increases in body fat generally, and belly fat specifically, there are other reasons that can cause a big belly. Factors that can influence belly fat include gender, genetics, hormones, body shape, lifestyle and certain foods. An effective plan to lose belly fat must addresses the causes for why you are carrying more belly fat than you would like.

Causes of Belly Fat


Where you gain fat and how easy it is to lose belly fat is partly down to genetics. Our genes help determine how many fat cells we have and where these fat cells are stored. Most men preferentially deposit fat in their abdominal area, this is due to the action of male hormone testosterone. The stress hormone, cortisol also encourages belly fat. Women tend to deposit fat on the hips, thighs and buttocks, which is down to the effects of the female hormone, estrogen. For this reason, a woman’s body shape changes and belly fat increases after the menopause when estrogen levels decrease. Though men tend to have more belly fat than women, men generally lose belly fat faster as a result of regular exercise.


Your body shape also affects how easily you lose belly fat:
  • Pear-shaped: smaller upper body than lower body. You will find it easier to boast flat, defined abs, as the hardest place for you to lose body fat is from the lower body. The easiest place to lose weight is from your upper body.
  • Inverted-triangle: bigger upper body than lower body. You carry most of your fat in your trunk and arms. Therefore, losing belly fat is harder and achieving low level of body fat in the abdomen more difficult. Also, this body shape is the most likely to have high levels of deep belly fat (visceral fat). For this reason, losing belly fat is particularly important.
Belly fat and body shape


Basically this is caused by eating the wrong foods, consuming too many calories and/ or insufficient exercise. You probably also are carrying extra weight around your hips and legs. Losing belly fat is pretty straightforward, but does require a lifestyle overhaul. You need to implement a diet that will help you lose belly fat and regular exercise to burn fat and strengthen your abs. Read about which foods you should be avoiding and which ones will help you quickly lose that belly.


The stress hormone known as cortisol, promotes fat to be deposited in the belly area. High levels of cortisol are linked with greater amounts of belly fat. Alcohol, smoking and caffeine all increase cortisol levels. Read more about which type of diet will help reduce cortisol levels.


Post pregnancy the uterus is heavier than pre-pregnancy causing the uterus to drop. The uterus does return to its pre-pregnancy size, but takes about 6 weeks to do so. Also, pregnancy splits the abdominal muscles (the linea alba muscle separates) down the middle. Therefore, it’s not even worth thinking about aiming for flat abs until that process is post pregnancy bellycomplete and stay clear of crunches, as they will force these muscles farther apart. Don’t rush into exercising, give yourself at least 2 – 3 months before exercising to get back into shape. Always speak to your doctor or midwife before starting an exercise program, particularly if you’ve had a caesarean section. It is essential to ensure your abdominal muscles have healed before starting vigorous exercises.
To get back your pre-pregancy body, you need re-train and strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and your deepest tummy muscle layer (transversus abdominus). The pelvic floor muscles help to stabilize the pelvis and support the organs of the lower abdominal cavity, including the bladder and uterus. Pelvic floor strengthening exercises known as Kegels (named after Dr. Kegel) generally recommended for strengthening the pelvic floor. The transversus abdominus is a deep abdominal muscle and acts as a corset, pulling you in. Exercises targeting the transversus abdominus will help to strength your core and flatten your belly, by pulling it in from the inside out.


You know you have a bloated belly, if it starts off relatively flat in the morning, but grows larger throughout the day with gas or indigestion. Bloating can affect you irrespective of size, you may be slim or overweight. Your belly may be bloated due to food intolerances, sluggish bowels as a result of a poor diet or a relatively unknown, but probably common condition called Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). SIBO is when there are abnormally high levels of bacteria in the small intestine, especially the type of bacteria usually found in the colon (large intestine) than the small intestine. Basically, there are two problems (1) too much bacteria and (2) the wrong type of bacteria in the wrong place. The symptoms of SIBO include excess gas, abdominal bloating and distension, diarrhea (less frequently constipation) and abdominal pain. It is thought that many people labelled with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), are in fact suffering with SIBO.


There are several factors that increase the likelihood of developing excess deep belly fat, including:
•    Male gender
•    Post-menopausal women
•    Obesity
•    Sedentary lifestyle
•    Smoking
•    Heavy drinking (3 or more drinks per day for men, 2 or more drinks for women)
•    Chronically high stress levels
•    Poor diet, particularly if high total fat, saturated fat and refined carbohydrates.

Exercises to lose belly fat
Exercises targeting the belly are not enough to help you lose belly fat. You cannot target fat loss; you cannot lose fat from one specific area by thinking about it. It’s like saying you don’t want to drive to where you’re going you want to teleport there. It’s not going to happen. Sit-ups, crunches and core work are not going to miraculously blast belly fat. If it did, a lot less people, would have a belly. Exercises like crunches do not target belly fat, they target belly muscle. They will make your muscles bigger, but that helps little if they are hiding beneath a layer of fat. However, once you’ve lost the belly fat, those exercises will pay off. But, the first step is to lose belly fat.

Cardiovascular exercise will help you create a greater calorie deficit and increase metabolism helping you lose belly fat. Research suggests that interval training is one of the most effective methods of burning belly fat. 


Are they the same?

We are look at the same picture, they are 70Kg, but why is she so fat, and she's so thin?  

Do you believe? These six people are actually  is 70KG!
Does it look big difference?

Some people looked very thin and shapely, but someone who seems to be fat. In fact, people of the same weight, body fat, muscle distribution, height are difference! Why is this happening?

After reading the following pictures, you'll see! 

Muscle and fat compared 
1, Same weight fat and muscle volume compared 

2,  (2.5 kg) 5 pounds of fat and 5 pounds of muscle, same weight,but fat occupy more space.

3, Same weight of fat and muscle, But accounted for a larger volume of fat. 

Cell and Tissue 
4, Electronic microscope  of Adipocytes. 

 5 The structure of Adipocytes , only a small portion of the nucleus, most of the space to hold the fat droplets

6. Obesity is not how much the number of fat cells, but every one is the size of fat cells fat droplets

7, the fat droplets in fat tissue (yellow fat cells) where fats are 

8, parts of the accumulation of subcutaneous fat, 

9, a "beer belly" where are the fat? The outer layer of the abdominal wall, the peritoneal cavity, the surrounding organs, internal organs, etc.
Wherein the inner organs, the health hazards of fat is the culprit

10. Muscle type

11. The main body skeletal muscle tissue distribution

12. Identification of leg muscles

13, Upper arm muscles

14, "fat" and "skinny" contest,not only subcutaneous fat, The visceral  "fat"content also obviously higher then a skinny person!

My conclusion is, weight loss not only see on the weight, Because the human body weight are constitute by fat weight,body muscle and also bone construction.

is made up so weight loss does not mean less fat, it is possible to subtract is the body of water, so weight loss is important shape rather than weight.

2, weight loss is important to maximize retained the body of muscle and lose fat on a water basis weight (which requires some combination of fitness).

3, not lighter but you need to lose weight become more handsome and looks pretty. Don't stress yourself with: wanna lose XX pounds ! , in fact the figure of people with same weight can have very big differences on the body , people with the same weight, but compactness of body and sense lines are completely different.

4, Weight loss, not only to lose subcutaneous fat, but requires less visceral fat, measure the internal organs of the body fat so that you have fully understand the extent of their visceral fat.
Visceral fat, the lower the better, stay away from 3 high.(High cholesterol, High blood sugar & High blood pressure)

Other relate articles

How Kidney Bean Extract Does and Does Not Help With Carb Blocking

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How Kidney Bean Extract Does and Does Not Help With Carb Blocking

How Kidney Bean Extract Does and Does Not Help With Carb Blocking

kidney beans
Do white kidney beans block carbs?
A recent e-mail asked me this:
I just read your Vinz Cafe. I was wondering what your views/thought on white kidney bean extract to block carbs and starch?

White kidney beans as a supplement are something I’ve never looked at closely before, so I was curious to see what I would find out.
My initial response after looking around was. But after a closer look I became more accepting of the stated physiological function of kidney bean extract, but remain boorish on their ability to mediate the effects of insulin resistance and blood glucose levels

The Condensed Truth

In my opinion the abbreviated story about white kidney bean extract goes something like this:
  • They’re probably effective at blocking alpha amylase, an enzyme that cleaves long carbohydrates into shorter ones.
  • They work on starch, but not sugar or high fructose corn syrup.  So they might help slowing the carb load from a pasta dinner but not your bottle of coke or sweets.
  • They’re safe and have no observable side effects
  • They work better with people who have high carb diets than low-carb diets

Not all White Kidney Bean Extracts are Created the Same only one clinically studied for safety and efficacy, White Kidney Bean Phase 2 is the first white kidney bean extract clinically shown to reduce the digestion of starch and promote weight loss

Let’s take a closer look at how this supplement works, where its usefulness begins and ends, and other options you have to get similar effects in your body.

White Kidney Bean Extract Inhibits Phase 2

All of white kidney bean’s physiological activity boils down to its ability to block an enzyme called alpha-amylase from breaking down certain carbohydrates within your body.  Starches are long chains of sugars that your body breaks down into smaller ones so it can use its individual units of sugar for energy.  To accomlish this task it uses the enzymes amylase and alpha-glucosidase to accomplish this task.  Amylase is present in your saliva, but most of its work is done in the intestine after its been secreted by your pancreas after a meal.
The theory goes that since white kidney bean blocks amylase, carbs that would otherwise be digested rapidly are digested slowly or not-at-all.  It sort of creates the effect of eating fiber since it turns digestable carbs into non-digestable carbs.

After reading through various papers I’ve decided that this process happens as advertised.  White kidney bean extract really does stop alpha-amylase from the pancreas and seems to do so in a manner that’s pretty robust to various physiological conditions.
What’s less clear is how this one mechanism relates to the broader goals of blood sugar control, weight loss, and low-carb dieting more generally…..especially in the long run.

However, your thinking about the benefits of white kidney bean extract need to come with the following caveats:
  • It does not work on sucrase, the enzyme that breaks down sugar.  Sugar is probably the larger problem when it comes to carbohydrate induced obesity
  • It stops alpha-amylase secreted from the pancreas, but not beta-amylase, which is secreted by some forms of bacteria that live in your gut
  • Other enzymes can do the same work as amylase, just not as effectively.  For example, maltase can also break down starch in your intestine, which is why kidney bean extract doesn’t work as well with people who already have a low carb lifestyle.
  • The evidence becomes much more spotty when you look at how using kidney bean extract helps to combat broader health issues like weight loss and insulin resistance.
By the end of my research I’ve decided that I would tentatively recommend taking a kidney bean extract supplement for the following people:

  • Someone looking to lower their carbohydrate intake but does not know where to start or is unclear how they’d fit a low-carb diet into their lifestyle
  • For use on “cheat days”, when you know you’ll be eating a lot of starchy food
  • Before traveling or social occasions, situations that throw a lot of simple carbs your way
  • Given its harmless nature and low price, I don’t see too much downside to experimenting with its use as long as you understand what it is and isn’t capable of doing.

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if you wish to know more, click Mei Pan

Facebook Id : Mei Pan

Facebook Fanpage: Vinz e-store

I also can be reach at
Wechat: meipan85
SMS/Whatsapp: 012-5526919
Email: meipan23@gmail.com


Colonix Ingredients and Functions

Vinz Colonix Ingredients
Oats fibers, spirulina, apple fiber and vegetable extract to help speed up the detoxification process. Consequantly, it also will contribute to reduction of harmful bacterial and encourage the production of good bacteria. In addition it produces good results on endocrine balanced development to achieves the bodys self-balancing role without any worries of side effect.

The Colonix Main Ingredients
1) Apple Fiber
2) Oat Fiber
3) Soluble Fiber
4) Alfalfa
5) Spirulina
6) Fruto Oligosacharides
7) Aloe Vera

Fiber can promote intestinal peristalsis and help maintain digestive function. Apple fiber and oat fiber helps Promotes Digestive Regularity and a Healthy Intestinal Tract.
Otas are the soluble fiber that responsible for cholesterol-lowering. You may be familiar with the terms "soluble fiber" Soluble fibers bind with fatty acids and slow digestion so blood sugars are released more slowly into the body. These fibers help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and help regulate blood sugar levels for people with diabetes. Eating fibers is the ideal solution to gaining the health benefits. 

Alfalfa meaning “father of all foods.” 

Alfalfa extracts are useful in the treatment of kidney, bladder, and prostate disorders. Leaf preparations have been touted for their anti-arthritic and antidiabetic activity, for treatment of dyspepsia, and as an anti-asthmatic. Alfalfa is a great detoxification properties. Alfalfa in its regular consumption bring benefit your body can really help to remove toxins from the body.

Spirulina is a microalgae that has been consumed for centuries due to its high nutritional value and supposed health benefits. Today, popular lifestyle personalities endorse Spirulina as a secret, potent "superfood," a "miracle from the sea."

Spirulina is rich in nutrients, some of which aren't found in the average daily vitamin. According to the FDA, Spirulina contains significant amounts of calcium, niacin, potassium, magnesium, B vitamins and iron. It also has essential amino acids (compounds that are the building blocks of proteins). In fact, protein makes up about 60 to 70 percent of Spirulina's dry weight.
Spirulina may then help manage and prevent heart disease through antioxidant properties,

Aloe gel is the clear, jelly-like substance found in the inner part of the aloe plant leaf. Most people use aloe topically, as a remedy for skin conditions. the use of aloe in Colonix is for prevent constipation.

Fructo-oligosaccharides are also used as prebiotics. Prebiotics act as food for “good” bacteria in the intestine. Don't confuse prebiotics with probiotics such as lactobacillus, bifidobacteria, and saccharomyces, which are live organisms that are good for health. 

How does it work?

Fructo-oligosaccharides pass undigested into the colon where they increase bowel mass and promote growth of certain bacteria that are thought to be beneficial.

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Facebook Fanpage: Vinz e-store

I also can be reach at
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Email: meipan23@gmail.com